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* Please complete all blanks: (N)=NO, (Y)=YES, (N/A)= Non-Applicable * A $50.00 non-refundable processing fee must accompany each application. [if enrolled, the $50.00 will be applied toward your tuition] Please allow three (3) weeks for processing.
Date of Application_________________ Name_____________________________________________________, Male_____, Female______ Street Address (Necessary)________________________________________, P.O. Box___________ City______________________________, State__________________, Zip Code________________ Home Phone (Necessary)________________________, Work (Optional)____________________________ Occupation Necessary______________________________________________________________________ Married_____, Single_____, Divorced_____, Heterosexual_____, Homosexual_____ How long have you been saved?____________________
Please give your definition of a Christian..._______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What is your definition of Sin?_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever attended this Kansas based Training Center before? _______ If (Y) yes, When, and name the Instructor _______ ________________________________________________ Have you ever had any formal Bible education or ministry training/schooling?_______ If (Y) yes, When and Where?__________________________________________________________________ If accepted, are you willing to attend over 80% of class time at a Training Center location?______, If unable, please explain ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
REFERENCES: Your references will be verified, so please supply accurate Names, Dates, Addresses and Phone Numbers. Business references may be any Minister, Christian Worker or secular business person you have known for at least two years. Personal references may come from any (non-family member) or acquaintance you have known for at least three years.
BUSINESS: (1)_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ (2)_____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
PERSONAL: (1)_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ (2)_____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ (3)_____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
I acknowledge all the information in this application to be true and accurate.
SIGNATURE:_____________________________________________________, DATE: _____________ WITNESS SIGNATURE:____________________________________________, DATE: ______________
SEND TO: RLM Training Centers, P.O. Box 372, Colby, KS. 67701-0372
The undersigned individual is aware of the obligations stated herein:
- You will acknowledge this training center as a Biblical teaching and training center, not to be confused with the local Church assembly.
- You must enroll with the intention of attending class once a week throughout your enrollment.
- You must regularly pay a minimum of $45.00 weekly tuition.
- If you are enrolling as a correspondence student you MUST PAY [$540.00] the total trimester tuition at the start of the enrollment trimester. (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- You must always bring a personal bible when in attendance.
- You must purchase any necessary helps books or other materials deemed necessary to completing the course subject matter.
- You must always attempt to be on time and dressed in casual business attire (no shorts, bare feet, tank tops, muscle tees, or pajamas allowed).
You must show respect toward all instructors and classmates. You must turn in all 800 word self-evaluation papers, monthly test, quarterly exams and book reviews before graduation to receive passing credits. After completing your first (9) month enrollment, you can re-enroll (based on approval) as many times as you wish for successive (9) month periods. Periods are September through May each calendar year.
ENROLLMENT FEES AS OF FALL 2014 (all enrollment fees are non-refundable):
45.00 - WEEKLY / 180.00 - MONTHLY / 1620.00 - TOTAL 9 MONTHS *COURSE BOOKS MUST BE PURCHASED AT THE START OF SCHOOL YEAR* Upon completion you will receive a "Certificate of Diploma" specifying time enrolled and course subject matter completed. FOR THOSE SEEKING AN ASSOCIATE / BACHELOR / MASTER OF MINISTRY DEGREES, CREDITED HOURS WILL BE APPLIED FROM R.L.M. TRAINING CENTER PREVIOUS YEARS. * Accreditation is through American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, Inc. (A.A.A.T.I.) *
Redeeming Love Ministries, Inc. has developed Training Centers to equip the people of God in five-fold ministry. Our objective is to aid the Church in fulfilling its purpose as recorded in Ephesians 4:11-16. We must continue and complete what Jesus intended when He gave gifts unto the Church. You will learn to separate your gifts from your talents, in order to fulfill your calling!
SIGN: ____________________________________
PRINT: ____________________________________ DATE: __________
ADDRESS: _______________________________
_______________________________ PHONE: ( )______________
Analytical Reading: Old Testament Survey gives the student a study of the Old Testament and is designed to give working knowledge of the 39 different books. New Testament survey includes a brief study of the political, social, moral and religious backgrounds of the 27 book of the New Testament; plus a survey of each book including authorship, date and occasion for writing, theme and purpose.
Literature: The principle aim of the course is to formilarize the student with various authors on the perspective of spiritual issues in the church. The emphasis is on the contemporary church in the generation we are living. To better understand the reasons why the changing church has not changed.
History: Sketches from Church History offers an illustrated account of 20 centuries of Christ's power and gives a spiritual history to better understand our present day church.
Civil Ethics: Offers the moral principles based upon biblical standards and gives understanding of living a godly lifestyle.
Business Ethics: This course gives the basis for how to interact in the marketplace and applying biblical principles in business endeavors.
Anatomy: This deals with the physical structure of the human body and how God intended us to guard it as a spiritual house.
Theology: This is a study of the Christian faith and God's relationship to the world, and a concept of the conflicts based upon the two kingdoms.
Geography: This course covers many locations throughout the middle east, including major rivers and early settlements of the descendants of Noah.
Biblical Identity
Twelve different subjects for each Identity over three trimesters, each containing four different lessons one and a half hours each, designed to inform the student of biblical directives outlining God's plan for humanity, ranging from creation to redemption. Covering the Adamic Covenant to the Dispensation of Grace.
Subjects: (B-Year 1-1) Inerrant/Infallible Truth: 1-Absolute Authority of God's Purpose; 2-Power of Life and Death; 3-Creative Force; 4-Indestructible Presence of God
(B-Year 1-2) God's Covenant with Man: 1-Original Purpose Before the Fall; 2-Spiritual Separation/Natural Protection; 3-New Beginning Through Adam; 4-Separating Abraham to Create a Special Purpose
(B-Year 1-3) The Prophet's Purpose and Calling: 1-The Importance of Prophets; 2-Voice of God to the World; 3-Separated from Carnal Passions; 4-Specific Calling for their Generation
(B-Year 2-1) Conflicting Doctrines: 1-The Godhead Conflict; 2-Law-vs-Grace; 3-Jesus Only - Water Baptism; 4-Apostles: Dead or Alive
(B-Year 2-2) New Testament Standards: 1-Introduction of Emmanuel; 2-Sin Measured by the Heart; 3-God is No Respecter of Persons; 4-Jesus Builds His Church
(B-Year 2-3) Kingdom Constitutional Law: 1-Temporal and Eternal Governments; 2-Adjustable and Immutable Laws; 3-Moses the Negotiator, Jesus the Mediator
(B-Year 3-1) History of Man: 1-Connecting the Bones; 2-Applying Flesh and Tendons; 3-Life Force of the Body; 4-Future Generations
(B-Year 3-2) Biblical Geography: 1-Garden of Eden; 2-Great Rivers 3-Canaan; 4-O.T Israel
(B-Year 3-3) Spoken Word: 1-Moses' Excuse Refused; 2-Power of Agreement; 3-Prophet's Word Confirmed; 4-Public Audience
Physical Identity
Eighteen hours of classroom instruction for each Identity over three trimesters focused on directly relating biblical mandates to physical conduct. Living the written word of God through physical application by becoming living epistles, known and read by all men. Practical expressions of God's love and order manifesting His kingdom principles superimposed over this present world order.
Subjects: (P-Year 1-4) Man - Before and After the Fall: 1-Created Natural and Given Breath; 2-Given Authority and Dominion; 3-Innocence Ends/Conscience Begins; 4-Sin Entered through Adam, Now All have Sinned
(P-Year 1-5) Limitations in the Faith/Fact Realm: 1-Faith Realm/Fact Realm; 2-Identifying Limitations; 3-Overcoming Fear of Man; 4-Challenging Ignorance
(P-Year 1-6) Financial Commitment/Freedom: 1-Levitical Inheritance; 2-Biblical Tithe/Offering; 3-Firstfruits and True Tenth; 4-Dependence and Biblical Increase
(P-Year 2-4) Lifestyle - Dos'/Don'ts: 1-Every Sinners' Battle; 2-Clothing and Apparel Conflicts; 3-Living Above Reproach; 4-Private, Personal Approval
(P-Year 2-5) Consequences of Denial: 1-A Deceived Mindset; 2-Shaken Foundations; 3-Weakness, Sickness, Death; 4-Reprobate - Good Evil/Evil Good
(P-Year 2-6) Creating an Embassy of Light: 1-The Nature of God is Light; 2-Moth Magnets; 3-Focal Point of Healing; 4-Kingdom Outpost
(P-Year 3-4) Social Science of the Church: 1-Systematic Body of Knowledge; 2-Church Hierarchy; 3-Layman Syndrome; 4-Vocation or Calling
(P-Year 3-5) Kingdom Anatomy: 1-Eternal Deity; 2-Head of the Church; 3-Body of Christ; 4-Particular Members
(P-Year 3-6) Tribalism: 1-First Family Units; 2-Specific Trades; 3-Natural - Spiritual Gene Pool; 4-Heir Apparent
Spiritual Identity
Nine months of training combining three areas of reality promoting interaction from the students as they move from Biblical information to Physical application to Spiritual revelation. Creating growth on three levels to balance their humanity with spiritual reality. Equipping subjects of God's kingdom to manifest His glory in the earth as true planet-shakers.
Subjects: (S-Year 1-7) Spiritual Strongholds: 1-Generational Curses; 2-Witchcraft/Sorcery/Magic; 3-Secular Religions; 4-Pharmaceutics - science of drugs
(S-Year 1-8) Principalities/Powers: 1-Demon Spirits; 2-Ruling Strongman; 3-Territorial Spirits; 4-Regional Strongholds
(S-Year 1-9) Demon Possession/Oppression: 1-Complete Spiritual Takeover; 2-Physical/Mental Oppression; 3-Sins of Commission & Omission; 4-Reprobate Mind
(S-Year 2-7) Subduing the Human Spirit: 1-Exposing the Selfish Nature; 2-Revealing the Enemy Within; 3-Hidden Agendas; 4-Replacing the Heart of Stone
(S-Year 2-8) Releasing the Anointing: 1-Clothed Upon; 2-Mantle of Healing; 3-Priestly Authority; 4-Proactive Force
(S-Year 2-9) Empowering the Believer to Conquer Demons: 1-Forbidden Paths; 2-Unholy Unions; 3-Consecrating Your Vessel; 4-Mastering Fear
(S-Year 3-7) Kingdom Behavioral Science: 1-Spiritual Rebirth; 2-Behavioral Contagion; 3-Kingdom Community; 4-Eternal Unity
(S-Year 3-8) Parallel Timelines: 1-Natural Plan for Human Beings; 2-Eternal Plan for Spiritual Relationship; 3-Spiritual and Natural Kingdom - Merge; 4-Prince of Peace -vs- Prince of this World
(S-Year 3-9) Eschatology: 1-Descipher Religious Doctrines; 2-Human Souls in the Balance; 3-World View of Death and Judgment; 4-Biblical Kingdom View of Heaven and Hell