Choose: DIPLOMA or DEGREE for more information regarding the two (2) types of training offered through Redeeming Love Ministries Training Centers. We encourage any person age 16 and older, desiring to understand scripture and broaden their theological studies to attend four (4) classes without any obligation to enroll. All classes are held at 345 N. Franklin Ave. in Colby Kansas, on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 8pm.

Mission Statement

R.L.M. Training Center trains and equips people of various ages for leadership positions in the local churches and ministries. It provides an earned Certificate of Diploma and/or accredited degrees for church and ministry leaders who desire ordination licensing, or other forms of public recognition. Its goal is to equip leaders in the necessary skills for effective ministry. It is designed especially, although not exclusively, to meet the needs of leaders who have become a part of the Ephesians 4:11 Five-fold Mandate.

The Need

In a privately-circulated document describing current research initiatives of The Barna Institute, George Barna, President, reports these significant findings from his research:

“Most pastors agree that they were inadequately trained for the job of leading the local church. Yet, seminaries continue to forge ahead, providing much of the same irrelevant (and in some cases, misleading and harmful) education that has been there for the past century. One response has been churches creating their own ministry education centers to rise up leaders and teachers from within their congregations. Another response has been for churches to hire believers who have secular training and experience in professional fields and allow them to learn the content of ministry realities while they are on the job. There is little doubt that churches are in desperate need of effective leadership as the challenges confronting the Church become more complex, more numerous and more daunting.”

“But how will those leaders be identified, developed and nurtured for effective ministry leadership? Is there a roll for the seminary in the future of the church? If so, what should the seminary look like and what would its ideal role be? If churches continue to rely on seminaries---to provide them with leaders, it is imperative that the leader training grounds be reshaped. Mere tinkering with a broken system won’t provide the answer; creating a holistic, strategic and intelligently-crafted process is needed.”

Educational Paradigm

The educational paradigm of R.L.M. Training Center may differ from traditional academic models of ministerial or ordination-track education. The new methodology of training, following patterns of contemporary adult education, is not based exclusively on a classroom format, programmed to meet predetermined academic standards. Rather, it incorporates a variety of learning events and experiences that are offered as a basis for training.

The focus on training in R.L.M. Training Center is on impartation coupled with information. This is not to deny the importance of information alone, but rather it is to affirm that relevant information will be provided in a context of imparting skills and

anointing for practical ministry. Furthermore, ministry in the Spirit receives equal emphasis to ministry in the Word and truth.

Contact Us Today!

345 N. Franklin Ave.

P.O. Box 372
Colby, KS 67701

Phone: 785-657-1611



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